Posting this here for informational purposes

September is Yoga Month: Crystals for a Yoga Practice

Any gemstone can help you connect with your practice! Crystals can “speak” to us in different ways and it is usually due to the fact that we instinctually need something from it. It may be that we are attracted to its shape, color or sheen.

Continue reading Posting this here for informational purposes

The Laundry Mat Blues…..

Since our sewer line to the street is cranky and old, we’ve been doing our laundry at the good Ole safe and trustworthy laundromat.

Each visit there I am reminded about how my life as a black lesbian seems to threaten the very fabric of life of White Supremacy and Black men. . Continue reading The Laundry Mat Blues…..

What does it mean to have the perfect yoga body?

Something I struggle with daily regarding my body structure or my limitations my size has.

real yogi magazine

Irene1I have always struggled with my body image. From yo-yo diets to self-destructive habits I had a hard time calling myself beautiful.

When I began practicing yoga I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself this journey would be hard. I don’t have an ideal yoga body. I have big thighs and short legs. My long torso makes me seem deceptively flexible, when really it’s just my proportions. But as I’ve traveled and taught to many different body shapes I’ve noticed that we all tell ourselves the same things. We choose to pick out our imperfections- where my legs are too short someone else’s too long.


And then it struck me. Why do I waste so much time reinforcing negativity in my life? I have this amazing body that is capable of incredible things.  Why is it so hard to see that? Yes my thighs are big, but…

View original post 79 more words

A restorative sequence for a tough week

Re-blogging this for my own personal sticky note.

Home Yoga Practice

niece in triangmukhaikapadapaschimottanasana

It has been a rough week for the Iyengar community for obvious reasons. To pick up with Guruji’s quote “My ending should be your beginning” I will continue to publish teachings on my blog to further yoga. Here is a restorative sequence for beginning students at the request of my friend Sudhanshu in Kolkata.

gomukhasana arms

Gomukhasana arms to open chest and shoulders

Chair downdog

Chair Adho Mukha Svanasna to address hamstring stiffness and further open the chest.

U T in chair

Chair Trikonasana to charge legs and further open chest

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Prasarita Padottanasana stage I with blocks to get more concavity from upper back.

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Vrksasana for lift in the side chest and abdomen and to hone concentration


Dandasana maintaining lift in side chest

prop virasana

Virasana with lift in side chest

upavistha konasna

Upavistha Konasana to recirculate knees and lift chest

supta baddha konasana

Supta Baddha Konasasna with bolster. If you don’t have a bolster use this setup of blankets.

pranayama blankets

setu bandha

Setu bandha on blocks with…

View original post 92 more words

Clearing up a few misconceptions about Iyengar yoga

I have been thinking about doing or at least trying Lyengar Yoga. This post actually help me realize that it is something I should try for deeper understanding of yoga.

Home Yoga Practice


Now that the world’s attention has focused more on Iyengar yoga since his passing, I would like to take this opportunity to clarify some misconceptions about this style that I have seen in various blogs and social media.

Misconception #1: Iyengar yoga is prop based.

First, pick up a copy of Light On Yoga. You won’t find a single prop in his presentation of over 200 asanas…save a blanket and bench and a Noelle Perez-Christiaens (I apologize to readers for incorrectly identifying her as Vanda Scaravelli). Iyengar designed the use of props to get students further into certain actions of the pose, and for those who could not otherwise attain the pose without supports. Further prop refinements, particularly in Salamba Sarvangasana (supported all limbs pose, or Shoulderstand) uses blankets for safety issues.

When Iyengar teachers go for assessment, we are advised to do and teach asanas without props in the middle…

View original post 908 more words


So venting my frustration with my BFF about applying for jobs and my resume not seeming to go further on Thursday morning. She happen to mention to me about the ATS (application tracking system).  I had not even considered that a lot of companies may be using that system to weed out candidates who didn’t qualify according to keywords they have imputed in for better results.

The jobs I had applied for I qualify for, but because I didn’t have the “keywords” my application was being looked over and deem not qualified.

So I decided to do a rework of my resume including in the keywords from the job description. Again for clarification all of the keywords and the job description were of jobs I knew how to do.  I re-applied for 4 position Thursday night using the reworked resume and load and behold my application moved forward to Human Resources by Friday afternoon.  So we shall see what happens.

It just adds another level of frustration to an already frustrating situation where you have to jump through freaking hoops just to be noticed.. I am sure there are lots of people out there who are not aware of the ATS at all.  SO for those who are out there wondering what in the freaking frying pan hell is wrong with you, it is not you it is the system.

On the yoga front, my hip is still killing me.  I have an doctor appointment on the 26th and hopefully we can find out what is going on.  Ugh I can only do the really simple poses any bending, sitting on the floor or twisting is a no go.